Google lens how to confuse the already misguided

Here lies the proof, now actually I have never tried Google lens, but the problem is with antiques is they are more often or not what they look like.
At first glance this cockerel looks like a 1970's or 1950's pie funnel, well we are only 300 years adrift its c1750 Chinese blanc de chein. However bad if you make an error either way worse if you over value it, which is more often the case.
Really our business is not all about getting the world record price for something on the whole clients are very knowledgeable and have to be if buying items above even £50 certainly above £100. Presenting them with over priced mis-descibed goods wont wash and certainly will reflect in your sales or even reflect in your lens.
Many items particularly from China have been copied again and again making something like our Ming bowl has been copied many times and only a time served dealer with experience can particularly from a picture tell the real thing, obviously in front of the item helps but through a lens very hard.
That's why newer dealers like the support of Top Banana Antiques as often we can help and advise reference dating etc occasionally we can give guide prices too. But get the wrong info on an item from Google and then compound with a silly price never a good move.
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Lyon Oliver
December 07, 2023
Well here we have a good observation. Blanc de chine being very tricky..I well remember The Sotheby’s representative in Cheltenham taking in 1980s a pair of Japanese china cats in. .He told the seller to expect £20,000.The cats turned out to be advanced guard of container loads of repro similar..Best be guided by Julian at Topbannana.