You Tube sounds like a handy glue

Perhaps it is, it seems to me that "you tube " whilst we are very late to the party. (Please bear in mind until I was 35 couldn't even turn a computer on). Seems to be the glue that binds all the various social media together.
We are finding it is giving a whole new dimension to out website listing giving clients a chance to virtually hold and smell the item. Let alone allowing us to showcase some diverse and really interesting antiques to a wider audience.
We have been interviewing new staff this week, and amazingly not one knew what a Canterbury was, they do now and if you watch out you tube channel cunningly called Top Banana Antiques you soon will do too.
Our twitter sight just turned 6000 followers and add to face book Pinterest and tik tok as well as you tube everyday. I have become head the social media department @topbananaantiques #antiquesaregreen #headcleaner #headwindowcleaner #and #chiefofhoovering and I working up to be head of restroom cleaning too.
Social media is fun and almost like a job in itself every hour of every day we do at least one tweet. Yes 24 hours a day as so many of our client are from Asia and USA & Canada
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