Yet another repeated antiques program last night

Unfortunately for someone who doesn't watch antiques programs much this is at least the 3rd time of have seen this particular episode of Salvage Hunters, I was drawn in as Tetbury was featured.
After initially being impressed with the array of well presented antiques I soon realised that every shop was pretty well the same, the same way of display, the same lamps, the same not quiet right lampshades, same lighting, colours etc. I cant think why this is, OK I can but I leave that to you to decide.
One thing is for certain, a guaranteed certainty, that Top Banana is not just another shop in Tetbury, its the biggest and the oldest group shop, with an unique selection of choice in the antique field from toy cars to fine silver, good affordable antique furniture to every type of picture antique and vintage. One dealer one room another unique feature that no other shop either can or does emulate. Certain well know centres in Hungerford even though a lovely period building are no splitting their room to include cabinets.
We have a waiting list for our big rooms and yes one is £1000 gbp pcm a very cost effective way of selling 363 days per annum let alone our great website.
Look on to see our huge range of decent well priced antiques.
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