What can I buy the person who has everything?

Apart from antiques which gives you such an immense choice.
How about a days chat on "how to be an antiques dealer" which be warned once bitten will be a life long addiction, fascinating, stimulating, and varied. Let alone adding to one collection and learning about a fascinating subject.
A decent 2 star Micheline lunch with morning coffee and afternoon tea, you'll be shown how to buy and sell, what to buy and when and where. Fun, informative and from the horses mouth time served dealer of 48 years, who has ridden out the ups and down of the last 4 decades, whilst privately educating 4 boys and running Top Banana Antiques for the last 21 years.
You will be given straight talking down to earth information, no wholly rose tinted Antiques roadshow valuations. What to look for when buying and what to avoid.
With addition of how to sell online.
Email info@topbananaantiques.com and check out www.the-vineyard.co.uk £250 pounds with free lunch and vitals, plus chance to stay at a 5 star hotel for a concessionary price, with your partner or spouse happily enjoying a spa with hotel weekend break with amazing top quality restaurant and surroundings. Centrally located in Newbury Berks just off junction 13 on the M4.
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