We take cards nearly all cards but we take cash, costs much less so you can buy better

We pay commission on all card sales, debit and credit cards, many people think debit cards are free they are not.
We pay out over 1 staffs wages every week in card costs, of course banks charge us for processing cash as well.
However we process it ourselves, not shoving it in out back pocket and going to the races, but paying out dealers and supply's. Every sale in Top Banana Antiques always generates a printed receipt, and every payout too. However we are not incurring in our opinion unnecessary costs on this.
No one is saying we need a wheelbarrow of cash to buy a chest of drawers but cash does help particularly on the smaller buys where costs can not be negated on sales under £2 and we still say yes to the card we actually loose money.
Its very easy with bank such as Revolut and others now to pay by bank transfer, play the banks at their own game, in the end it will all cost the consumer more just like all the new costs being added to us businesses in the end the customer will pay it and or the business will fold. One of Tetbury's biggest dealer shut his doors this week.
Please try and pay cash for smaller buys and bank transfer for bigger ones.
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