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We dont just flog it

May 26, 2021

We dont just flog it

We work hard to sell it for you even to Paul Martin & Raj Bishram, whilst programs like BBC road trip have mixed reviews in the antiques trade, for us they are good news, as they get out name out there, only last week a lady and her husband came and brought some large scales purely as they had seen us on Drew Pritchard's Salvage Hunters.

The road trip have been to us many many times and whilst we enjoy the theatre of the show, clients need to realise that is is entertainment and basically we are doing the deals on the basis that this is for charity.

Its fun to meet up with various famous people over the years and it injects a bit of life into what could be otherwise a bit stuffy, of course we are not stuffy at all, how could we be with a name like Top Banana Antiques!.

We once were filming when even the stars were upstaged by a pair of even more famous visitors, which made even all the crew a flutter. We do have some really big stars come through our shop, wont list any of them as they deserve their privacy too.

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