Top Banana Antiques the shop with not just one name

Most antique centres tend to have one name attached to them, when I say one name I really mean one person.
From day one Top Banana Antiques really has just been marketed as Top Banana Antiques no one person has ever tried to make it their own, whilst we are a group of highly motivated individuals, we do know that there is strength in numbers.
By this is, I do not mean Custer's last stand, I mean we have strength of giving our customers a huge choice that really almost no one dealer could ever offer.
Approx 55 dealers endlessly covering a huge area of this country and quiet a lot of Europe, regular items come in from at least 4 European countries that no one dealer could ever by them self cover, giving our buyers trade and retail a huge and constantly changing busy vibrant stock to help find what they need.
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