Top Banana Antiques seriously trying to make antiquing fun

Our shop a busy vibrant market place, where perhaps unluckily often you will miss out on a greeting as we are on the case of sorting a website sale or dealing with another client.
However, in the now 44 years I have done this, and I or my staff are not old farts (started in my teens) have found that even if a customer is really wanting a pink albatross with sparkles, they rarely in the very first instance want help, preferring to peruse the shop at their own pace be it fast or slow and more importantly in peace.
Only later to require attention, I have also found that informed sales people helps, now bear in mind out Standholders vary in age from 21 to 86 we have approx 50, 3 under 30, 3 over 80 years old, and we really, like the mix of experience balanced by energy and new ideas (see cutting edge vintage or junk, blog).
One thing we know and love this is a consistently evolving and exciting business and buying selling and collecting antiques and vintage is seriously good fun, and the constant quest for new additions to ones collection or decor or stock is very agreeable. So unlike perhaps some some where one may feel intimidated by stock attitude and prices, at Top Banana Antiques we welcome pocket money children starting out, teenagers collecting coins etc through to serious dealers spending mega thousands all our important to us and its the next deal we want not just this one.
" I love Top Banana it my favourite shop " a quote we get many times a day.
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