To polish or not

Often people ask should they clean or polish items. As with a lot of things antique no black and white response.
China generally should be clean and washed however watch the gilding and do not use strong cleaners, bleach, scrubbers, or supper hot water tepid water is best.
Brass and copper, generally brass should be lightly polished preferably by hand if kept up together not hard say twice a year, same with silver, again same as china no scrubbing, no strong chemicals.
Copper, slightly more tricky, if patinered then I would leave alone, a lot of copper looks better with the brown green verdrgris rather than looking like a new pipe. However generally food items such as pans, pots & jugs generally look better clean. If in doubt leave it out and ask an antiques dealer. Generally I notice most copper on out website as is not generally over polished
Furniture yes generally a wax polish twice a year but again do not over clean.
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