Selling at auction, selling to Top Banana Antiques

Unless your have a Rembrandt, or a rare one off item, generally items sold at auction actually don't make that much, particularly when commission and buyers premium taken off let alone many hidden charges such as lotting fees, VAT and insurance.
Another good wheeze is charging for transport, I know so many unhappy vendors selling their prized items at auction and the final check is a tiny proportion of what made.
Bear in mind, when selling a guide price from the internet or auction is fine, but that is not the definitive price as an allowance for shop costs etc has to be allowed. In essence an honest profit margin.
Most items sold in auction without exception are sold to antiques dealers and often for a pittance particularly items of low quality or not very old. Fact when selling at auction a minimum of 50% is lost in costs, if you have sensible saleable goods across the range you will do better in our shop every time.
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