Mining not very environmentally friendly, but nor is charity

In a crisis charities try and step in the expell a huge amount of costs as well as fuel and carbon production.
Where as the lithuim mine pictured against and oil well the other day on social media, whilst of course to creat damage in short term and also differing amounts of carbon pollution in the long term. However what they do is produce jobs many jobs now poorer countries let alone our own need jobs and with jobs people can pay their way , pay for production of food etc.
Charities with all their good intentions will not be needed as people have jobs. The same with mining for gold and prescious stones often done in a very small and basic way and even when done in a larger way with some of the profits sites can be cleaned and replanted etc after.
Recycling as much as possible particularly household items and metal and glass all help and keep the need for new mines down.
Jobs are needed and give self sufficiency and self respect and often in so called 3rd world countries bar planting bananas or cocoa or drugs is the only way to have jobs but often these crops such as palm oil or certain types of banana or avocados are for export not local economy adding to carbon footprint, but at least give jobs and some local income and stop charity crisis through famine etc. If not then local wildlife suffer as literally even ants and bees are to of the menu list, let alone owl, birds etc etc, most of larger animals unless in reserves were killed way before.
Again bringing sensible tourism into a massive producer of income, does anyone think the Masai Mara in Kenya would exist if not for wildlife, it would be Sarah type desert of over grazing cows.
Antiques and retro vintage really do stop much landfill and in turn lots more carbon footprint from over production of unwanted items, of which production is small part of real carbon footprint of international delivery.
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