Matt & Elizabeth Davies

Its been a joy to watch this mother and son team grow over the last 3 years, they were new into the business with a puppy dog enthusiasm that can be missing a tad these days.
They started with a shelf area soon progressed to a cabinet, then more shelves, now a cabinet and a whole room.
Whilst still finding their way, they are clever enough to listen to advice and even criticism and act on it, meaning they are improving what they do all the time.
We love having experienced dealers but we also need and encourage less experienced dealers too after they are our future, and Top Banana Antiques intends to be trading for many years yet.
Matt is an aspiring actor with Autism which adds to his dealing prowess, as he sees things differently to the main stream which gives a lift and interest to his stock as well as been in his twenties meaning a bit more on the ball than some who bemoan the past, for people like Matt and Elizabeth it is all future, and a fun one too.
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