Fun of the Fayre

A day loading, a day unloading, unless incredibly lucky a long drive and possible accommodation costs, with expensive eating out on top.
Most single tables at any large antiques fair cost for 1 day what a whole room in Top Banana Antiques for a month. With the added bonus of having to be there and sell your own stuff, of course you get much more footfall, crammed into about an hour, when quiet frankly so busy you cant see the wood for the trees.
The reality being in winter too cold and wet, sometimes life threateningly so, and in summer way way too hot, possibly you get the odd beautiful English summers day when life is hunky dory.
I know of many dealers who will spend 3 days at a fair, and clear less than £100 " But I love the people and the buzz " Whilst yes most of us do this for the love and the money side is secondary, if you are prepared or able to work hard early starts and late finish and then drive on top for about £20 a day, we are impressed with your skill at frugal living.
Do not get me wrong a weekly or monthly market is a vital part of the trade but should be used sensibly for either clearing stock at a knock down price or shifting slow selling stock. Unfortunately we see most of the fair stock is from the repro warehouse particularly the garden items and the low tech decorative.
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