Fancy going out for dinner?

I am sorry but I really cant afford it, just done Ardingly Antiques fair, whilst I took £1800 after exes with outside pitch costing £195 and sleeping 2 nights in my hire van, I didn't even clear £100 not much for four days work.
Whilst previously this former dealer @topbananaantiques would of taken on average £8000 a month for a cost of about £600 all inclusive and including 2 visits to the shop, approx 1 days work.
Guaranteed to get very close to his ticket prices in our shop, and can guarantee items had to be slaughtered to achieve sales I know on trade day £750 was taken.
Perhaps his stock felt rejuvenated for its 8 hour round trip from Dorset to Sussex perhaps not but certainly the dealer did not, and has vowed never to do another fair.
Dealer in Top Banana Antiques fact sold his entire stock yesterday, yes at low wholesale price to another dealer but didn't spend 4 days and many incurred expenses doing it. Certainly no delivery costs or credit all paid and done.
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