Dig your way out of trouble

Marvelous, we have massive probably irreversible global warming and now America is going to dig for oil and oil workers are going to save America.
Whats makes petrol expensive is tax not the product itself, we should be making more solar panels and renewable energy, we have endless amounts of this available to us, why do the hottest places have the least solar energy, tax and lack of investment.
Of course the worldwide weather issues fires and floods were nothing to do with global warming, sun gone most days in most continents including America, Africa and Asia by 11 am as so many places due to global warming, and air pollution smoke, smog,and exhaust fumes, caused by humans.
Throughout the world it blames on wildfires next door dust from the Sahara desert, mist from the mountains most likely the next door un-liked country, smoke from Malaysian wood fires etc etc.
Recycle reuse, on the news last night Basingstoke hospital over 170 years old needs new hospital and knocking down, antiques and an antique building can and do go on for ever need restoring and looking after and sometimes adaptation.
We keep on drilling more and more oil there will be no world left, fear my grandchildren will have to move to Mars to breath man made air. AI will produce our mountain scenes and outdoor experiences and nature well that will be man made too.
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