Collecting Arts & crafts metalware

We have several dealers selling the above, Phil & Sue Brough of Lomond Antiques, Robert White Antiques, to name a few.
Last week we sold several big chargers a smaller one with dragon by W.H. Mawson Keswick in both copper and brass, we have several boxes, lights and caddy spoons, also several pieces in pewter with ceramic cabochons, sterling silver and silver plate.
There are many big names to collect John Pearson possibly being the most famous of the Newlyn school, its seems interesting that both the 2 major centres for this seem to be on the edge of industrial areas in beautiful rural areas. Keswick in Cumbria being the other, K.S.I.A, Keswick School of Industrial Arts, and Keswick. Who also made some items in stainless steel, interesting as a very hard product and hard to planish or hammer.
So most of these items have one thing in common, that they tend to be hand wrought and hand planished, which means they were beaten into the metal to make an indented surface.
The 2 centres of manufacture mentioned above tended to make more hand made one off designs often on a mandala type boss or animals, dragons, swans, griffins etc. Where as the cities like Birmingham and London tended more to be mass manufactured from an original design from the designer or artist.
We get a lot of this, we sell a lot, and we list it on website so keep an eye out.
In another blog i'll go into more detail about silver and pewter.
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