Bronze Door Handle with Screw at the Back - Has No Cheeps

At least this has no CHEEPS, bless them makes me chuckle, maybe it shouldn't but antiques should be fun, and with a name like Top Banana Antiques must not be taken too seriously.
Our duty day guys come from 5 nations and for most English is a second language, its makes for a few Basil Fawtly moments fear I may be a bit like him as I get older.
So we have many howlers Georgian c1916 of course strictly is Georgian however not the George I to George the IV period we know as Georgian.
English in minutia is very complicated and the nuances are hard to explain, and the peculiarity of the antiques trade even harder, like biscuit box or barrel, we had a listing last week a vesta, firstly what's the hells a vesta, in the trade we call a match safe or match box a vesta. Then trying to explain that c1910 is not Art Nouveau, Art Nouveau is a style not period or a date. Then if you're not careful style then get misconstrued as a copy or reproduction, you see one can fall deeper and deeper into the mire.
Any way luckily the manager has been in the game for 44 years, and has the spelling capability of a 3 year old, but actually has a reasonable general knowledge of antiques, so between the 6 of us we sort of get there and in the mean time, I hope the odd mis-translation and European feoble make you chuckle, as it does me fear Google have no sense of humour but its an imperfect world.
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