Autumn comes around again as does road trip filming at Top Banana Antiques

Love it or hate it, people love it, I guess the thrill of the unexpected tomorrow we have Paul Martin and Raj Bisram will be fascinating to see what they find, every day I find profits hidden often been there for weeks but unseen by us all. Funny we all think we are so good at spotting a profit but often looking staring us in the face.
Forgivable if really out of ones field, however most of us should know better, however this is what makes the antiques trade great fun, really you never known the past I have done mega trips into Europe just about covered my expenses walked into Top Banana and made more in one hit than for 5 hard days on the road.
We had a very good knowledgeable dealer in recently, but is renowned for being a lover of monster profits using his particular knowledge to get a bargain, who proudly announced he hadn't been in for 5 years and after going around the shop failed to buy a thing, I couldn't work out if he was ill-judged by failing to find something or we were doing our job correctly by not leaving a massive fat profit for him. Anyway as the Road Trip are buying for charity lets hope they do well they have in the past as have lots of our regular buyers.
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