Art & Crafts Metalware continued

W.A.S Benson, Omar Ramsden, Archibald Knox, William Heir Hessler, Benham & Froud, William Tonwsend & Sons the list goes on.
The finest art and crafts metalware was made in silver and gold, normally adorned with enamel panels or cabochon stones, the movement drew great inspiration from organic nature with flowing scrolls etc and often like to incorporate a lady with flowing hair or an insect like a moth or butterfly.
So I digress back to metalware in the proper sense of the word, tended to come in 5 types, plain copper, plain brass, the 2 combined, pewter, or a mixture of brass / copper and steel.
A.E.Jones (we have several bits in the shop) seemed to like a mixture of copper body with either brass handles or feet added, giving a nice warm contrast, Benson too like to mix metals, although did make many solid brass only lamps, Benson even had a catalogue where you literally could order from a book what you wanted, and he cleverly had a lot of inter connecting part that could be pre made and then added to a centrepiece of similar standard lamp etc.
So as mentioned last blog most these designers tended to be in Birmingham the centre of everything manufactured or London, and seemed to make more mass produced manufactured items from the original by the designer. Where as the provincial country made items seemed to be more worked by the person as a unique one off item.
Lots of items are marked by the maker but lots are not it is still very possible to pick up a bargain particularly in Benson, personally I think some of the perhaps lessor or certainly lessor Known makers were more true to the art & crafts movement. Fascinating period, of course at a time when one mass manufacture really starting and 2 electricity coming more and more common place and 3 the middle classes gaining financial and social status, giving the the supply and demand.
I'll try and do jewellery next time, if I have made any huge mistakes do email us.
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