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Antiques an ever changing kaleidoscope suspect will sell quicker than a Georgian chest

December 31, 2020

Antiques an ever changing kaleidoscope suspect will sell quicker than a Georgian chest

My Grannie had one of these in her sun room, my goodness I must be getting old, 44 years in biz now, great thing we never stop learning.

Last week Justin Pike moved in with his 1950s West German pottery, which is selling well, today Chris Bull moved in with a bony human foot, apparently great sellers.

Becky just got hold of my Grannies magazine rack, and yet we have a shop stuffed with proper antiques as some would call them, serious brown as well as decorative items. 

Our ethos has been and always will be that we want to appeal to everyone who walks through the door, I think we truly cover almost the whole gambit.

Since the first lockdown younger discerning buyers are regulars at our shop , finding we sell quality glass and statement/conversation pieces for very sensible prices .

We sell proper vintage, decent bric-a-brac and would be telling just what smart money buys from our attic, clever them, and smart serious antiques too.



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