Use me again and again again

Antiques tend to be by definition over 100 years old, most of us don't utilize things for 100 years, so this implies that antiques are reused and recycled, adding respect and longevity and use and enjoyment to an item.
Furniture tends with care and polish get better & better over time, as particularly items that are 200 years old tend to be made of solid hard wood, with hardwood drawer liners etc. meaning unlike a flat packed item that tend to be made of MDF (medium density fibre board) or chip board with plastic grained coating, often these items are made with really toxic glue.
There was an Antiques Centre today on twitter called Chart Sutton Antiques Centre expounding the quality of a simple silver fork, and they are correct antiques and vintage items tend to be of really decent quality, have stood the test of time and use, and save resources, due to costs of a skilled craftsman it is highly unlikely the same work and quality could be replicated and certainly not replicated for the same cost.
Recently we had a well made modern chest of oak drawers, original cost £1400, we sold for £250. We can sell you a period c1830 Mahogany chest or oak for £250 too, saving trees, transport, work, and resources, proving that antiques are great value.
For generations items of furniture have been handed down to subsequent generations adding the desire to look after and cherish and in the future hand on again.
In the past we literally have flat packed a leaning falling apart IKEA wardrobe for a tenant only to replace it with an identical item in this seasons colour, all to be put in the bin in 2 years, of course they are very cheap, as Grannie used to say buy cheap buy twice, we have 5 floors full of generally well priced furniture that on the whole will gain in value, certainly hold its values and definitely will not end up on the fire in 2 years time.
This of course applies to all antiques and vintage, and even if you just collecting plastic Fred the MacDougal's flour man these are still items that can be reused, collected and enjoyed, rather thrown away or worse still, thrown away and more manufactured, wasting yet more resources.
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