Strange, ones a mans rubbish is another mans treasure

We make our living out of other people rubbish or at least other peoples unwanted items.
A recent email, "I have 2 chairs the charity shop wont take them as not fire regulation do you want them"?. Of course we cant sell them either however we can remove upholstery and offer for sale.
Of course as a private buyer on the whole you only or need one dining table, so often superfluous furniture needs to be shifted. We too have to balance current fashions with items that are offered.
The high street tends to use antique items as blueprints to mass produce new but old looking items, which newly made are hugely costly but not necessarily that easy to sell, particularly when the fashion has moved to another colour of style.
Our clients tend to fall into 2 camps, the serious collectors looking for top quality rarities to be added to their collection, or clients looking for good value furniture and decorations like a bow fronted chest sold last weekend for £225 a fraction of the new price, or the mirror brought for teenagers daughters bedroom.
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