Sold is better than sale

If an antique is commercial or worth the money it will be a sold antique.
Putting an item on sale even a massive 25% discount, may work but offering it at the correct price in first place would work better of course we are not all the definitive experts in the real price of an antique mostly as there is no such thing.
A sale item is a great buy if you want or need it as its a bonus on top of the need fulfilled.
Selling at Top Banana Antiques is the without any doubt most cost effective way to sell an antique, eBay will take 25% plus shipping, an auction will take 30% off the buyer and 20 to 30 % off you with additional fees on top, like lotting fees and photo charges. Top Banana Antiques gives you free website listing no charge unless sold and very cost effective selling space cheaper rent than even a boot sale.
As a result you can afford to offer an item worth the money in the first offering meaning most likely it will quickly be a sold item.
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