"Purveyor of vintage, useful and unusual items" we have Antiques too @topbananaantiques
Quote on social media, whilst we do have vintage and some great vintage items unlike some others we really do have many many period antiques too.
So many so called antique shops seem now to be happy to stock and sell so much in the way of new old looking items, in Shropshire the other day, vintage store in middle of deepest darkest countryside seemed happy to mix some very old fashioned lumps of furniture interspersed with recycled bids from Africa and new aged up dolly tubs for planters all under the banner of vintage.
Vintage seems often to be a euphemism for selling reproduction items, and we cant understand why one would want to effectively undermine genuine antique and vintage of course takes a bit more effort to source antiques than order from warehouse.
We notice that these shops fail to mention these items are not vintage or antique.
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