Pseudo intellectual

There is a tendency for experts in antiques to be old men in suits, now no one would criticize the genuine enthusiasm the legend of Arthur Negus added to the world of antiques.
Its is important that antiques are described correctly and knowledge of makers and dates etc is maintained, but enthusiasm and the joy of trendy vintage buying and selling adds to the gene pool of antique lovers.
Whilst informative monologues on antiques have there place, having genuine joy and thrill of hunting and acquiring and restoring antiques and vintage items, and actually using antiques as decoration and furnishing items.
Obviously adding to ones collection is a joy, and often the process of hunting items out is as much fun as acquiring. Even if its plastic star wars figures all adds to collecting saving and recycling and respecting items, and as you experience more and more your in depth knowledge and specific knowledge will grow, but excite your peers not bore with useless facts.
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