Problem with buying you a necklace, that's dead money!
Its not like your going to sell a piece of jewellery if I buy it for you. Dead implies useless or inactive.
Five years ago a Sovereign coin was given to the chaps lad it has more than doubled in the same time certain antique jewellery has gone up 6 or 7 times and certainly in my dealing life time I have seen pottery and china rise exponentially and fall in similar fashion.
However like all things there is a moment to buy and sell which in theory being in the antiques trade we should all know. Of course we don't, and often follow trends rather than creating them. Your XR31 or Gold GTI maybe top of the pops now but wont be forever once the boy racers of the 1980s become the OAP of the 2030s, and the new generation lusts after the Tesla super model. Heaven forbid.
Marriage of course as we all know is forever in the 2000s a 1 carat diamond solitaire ring £1000 to £2000, now same will be £5k plus.
Buying understated not too cutting edge style will pretty well insure you capital growth on your antique or vintage buy in particular jewellery and much silver represents very good value at present. Picking your time to buy and sell is vital.
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