Health wealth & happiness a often used toast
Health is the most vital thing we possess, without this nothing has much point.
However, whilst money is important and a good bi product of antiques dealing, I am positive for most dealers actually the endless quest to find nice things is far more important for both buying & selling and collecting, I guess this covered by happiness.
So make the most of this, get rid of that unnecessary storage, sort that broken stock, do repairs & restoration, clean dirty stock, repair and renew you're selling areas, get that old stock re priced, represented, most dealers have vast stocks of old friends that for a little bit of effort are saleable goods.
Top Banana dealers are welcome by appointment to come to shop 7 days a week, redo rooms ( I grant you after 2 lockdowns a lot done, I shall be doing some of the common areas ) re display, move goods around polish, re jig, tell us items that need listing on, any blog info welcome too
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