Good COP bad COP
As a general rule the antiques trade is a group of true individuals, however we have found over the years that there is strength in numbers, i.e. a group shop like Top Banana Antiques.
However one thing we are all focused on is making money by being truly green, not only can you get a product that often cannot be made today often out of woods etc that became extinct over 250 years ago. We are truly saving the planet one item at a time, most of our stock could never be made for cost that its sold for, let alone reusing raw materials, most items can be revived by a simple clean or re-polish or at worst repainted.
Often items due for the scrap yard for a little imagination can be made into a lamp or garden ornament or even a coffee table, the antiques trade does have a lack of coffee tables. By buying antiques and vintage you are saving trees and raw materials and keeping people in jobs rather than landfill experts. Particularity metal and brass copper really can be reused for a fraction of any production costs.
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