Well actually we are not , we are without any doubt the most approacable shop in tetbury. Everyone is welcome at Top Banana Antiques even children, we will never ever judge a man in painted overalls against a man in a sharp suit.
Over the years we have served Princes through to owner of an American whiskey company, 6 year old girls buying presents for mum at a few pounds through to serious antiques trade spending thousands. All treated the same.
As a big shop, and a busy place its unlikely unless you engage the staff, that they will even desturb you beyond a good day.
But we are there to help with knowlable detail and help when wanted. So if youre purple or from Mars youre welcome bring youre kids and espeacially bring youre dogs, do keep muddy boots to a minimum please as a dog walk and visit to Top Banana Antiques works very well, bear in mind 2 markets a week in Tetbury, great food and great places to stay, and a lot to do in around the town.
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